4 Ways to Rescue a Strategic Plan

4 Ways to Rescue a Strategic Plan

Of course, you'd love to make progress on the strategic plan that your organization spent so much money and effort creating! But maybe the plan's goals no longer reflect the realities of your community's needs. Or you simply don't have the time or resources to tackle the objectives that sounded so doable several years ago.

What can we do if our strategic plan is no longer relevant or our goals aren't achievable?

  1. Focus on Core Priorities: Review your existing plan and pull out any core values or priorities that are still relevant for your organization, and focus your efforts and attention on those priorities. What are the bigger-picture priorities that still make sense for your organization at this time?

  2. Create “Sprint” Objectives: Create a short-term objective aligned with each of your plan's priorities or goals and focus on accomplishing those objectives. What is one small thing your organization can do over the next month or quarter to further each priority or goal?

  3. Try Small-Batch Objectives: Break larger, intensive objectives or projects into smaller, more achievable projects or phases. You may not be able to launch a new program or fully address a plan objective, but you may be able to design a new program or get started with one phase of a larger project. Focus on progress, not perfection!

  4. Share Your Progress: Share what you have accomplished so far and acknowledge the shifts or changes that have impacted the plan's goals or progress. Let your community know what has shifted and how you are dealing with those changes.

This post was first shared on Philanthroforce.

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