Yazdani Consulting and Facilitation

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Strategic Budgeting

Our departmental and project budgets should be more than a plan for spending: strategically crafted budgets articulate our priorities, reflecting the value of our department or project, and allow us to justify and ensure adequate funding. What priorities are reflected in your current budget? What does your budget say to organizational stakeholders about the value of your department or project?

Want to learn how to strategically manage your budget? Our Strategic Budgeting 101 course teaches our strategic approach to developing and managing departmental and project budgets.  Learn to use zero-based budgeting to justify your funding needs, apply our "POP" approach to budget planning, and successfully track your budget for maximum flexibility.

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Read more at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/strategic-budgeting-does-your-budget-articulate-jami-yazdani/