We’ll talk about developing and managing project budgets.
Gain a valuable certification and learn project management basics and actionable strategies to help any nonprofit successfully plan and deliver projects.
Learn how to close your organization’s strategy gap! Participants will be introduced to the cause and impact of strategy gaps in nonprofits, along with a framework for assessing your nonprofit’s strategic alignment. We’ll cover simple techniques for creating alignment, including feasibility assessments and simple approval processes. We will also explore creating and implementing more aligned workflows.
Learn how to avoid common budget mistakes and prepare for budgeting challenges, along with real-world strategies for developing and managing library and program budgets.
Learn when and how to streamline your strategic planning process.
Gain a valuable certification and learn project management basics and actionable strategies to help any nonprofit successfully plan and deliver projects.
Learn how to sustain a dynamic planning process that guides, inspires, and empowers. This workshop will cover realistic strategies for infusing plan priorities and goals throughout every level of your organization. From creating shorter-term objectives, continuing to engage your stakeholders and staff, and creating a culture of shared accountability, you can turn your strategic plan into an action plan!
Learn how to turn your nonprofit’s strategic goals into actionable objectives, and incorporate your strategic priorities into programs, projects, and budgets.
Learn ways to use AI to support your projects.
Learn project management basics and actionable strategies that can help any organization successfully plan and deliver projects. (This program is valid for 4.0 general recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR, and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute and 4.0 PDCs for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.)
Can a more agile leadership approach cultivate motivation and improve your team's and community's collaborations and outcomes? From "failing fast" and "defining done" to increased transparency and earlier stakeholder feedback, agile strategies can help us build trust, encourage growth, and create more collaborative and effective teams and community relationships.
Gain a valuable certification and learn project management basics and actionable strategies to help any nonprofit successfully plan and deliver projects.
Learn how to sustain a dynamic planning process that guides, inspires, and empowers. This workshop will cover realistic strategies for infusing plan priorities and goals throughout every level of your organization. From creating shorter-term objectives, continuing to engage your stakeholders and staff, and creating a culture of shared accountability, you can turn your strategic plan into an action plan!
Learn about facilitating better meetings with Dr. Curtis Rogers.
Learn how to best prepare for project planning.
Learn how to sustain a dynamic planning process that guides, inspires, and empowers. This workshop will cover realistic strategies for infusing plan priorities and goals throughout every level of your organization. From creating shorter-term objectives, continuing to engage your stakeholders and staff, and creating a culture of shared accountability, you can turn your strategic plan into an action plan!
Learn about the value of PMOs with Stacye Brim of STB Consulting.
Gain a valuable certification and learn project management basics and actionable strategies that can help any nonprofit successfully plan and deliver projects.
Learn how to sustain a dynamic planning process that guides, inspires, and empowers. This workshop will cover realistic strategies for infusing plan priorities and goals throughout every level of your organization. From creating shorter-term objectives, continuing to engage your stakeholders and staff, and creating a culture of shared accountability, you can turn your strategic plan into an action plan!
Learn about strategies for determining the feasibility of your projects.
Learn realistic strategies for applying project management to your consulting work, including five key elements of project management that can be used to plan for and deliver more successful consulting projects.
As a project manager, you can use tools like ChatGPT to improve your projects and transform your role. In this webinar, you will be introduced to the ways ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools can help project managers generate ideas and save time. You will learn about the tools available and discover how to coax them to support your project management activities.
We will explore the crucial elements of successful grant proposals and grant-funded initiatives. Learn how to apply project management best practices, understand the importance of scope, schedule, and deliverables, employ effective communication strategies with stakeholders and team members, and discover the benefits of using Instrumentl to streamline the grant management process. Watch the recording.
Can a more agile approach motivate your library’s teams and improve your projects and outcomes? Attendees will be introduced to the differences between agile and traditional project management approaches, and learn popular agile strategies for managing teams and projects. From "failing fast" and "defining done" to increased transparency, agile strategies can help us support more collaborative and effective teams.
Turn your library's strategic plan into an action plan that guides, inspires, and empowers. Learn realistic approaches to sustain a dynamic planning process. Learn strategies to create shorter-term objectives, continue to engage your stakeholders and staff, and create a culture of shared accountability through transparency and progress sharing. Go from strategic plan to action plan and successfully implement your library's strategic goals!
Learn about fundraising planning and projects with Susan Kahan of Sapphire Fundraising Specialists.
Gain a valuable certification and learn project management basics and actionable strategies that can help any nonprofit successfully plan and deliver projects.
Learn about strategies for managing our own time as project managers.
Learn realistic approaches to sustain a dynamic planning process. including strategies to create shorter-term objectives, continue to engage your stakeholders and staff, and create a culture of shared accountability through transparency and progress sharing. Go from strategic plan to action plan and successfully implement your nonprofit’s strategic goals!
Learn about the importance of stories to projects and planning with David Norris of Proofpact.
Learn about the essential templates to use in your projects to save time and create consistency across projects.
Human resources leaders at all levels can master the principles and best practices of project management, learning actionable strategies to successfully plan and deliver projects throughout 2023.
Learn how to initiate projects and set your team and stakeholders up for success.
Learn project management basics and actionable strategies that can help any nonprofit successfully plan and deliver projects. You can start off the year with a valuable certification that will propel your success throughout 2022.
Learn the differences between popular agile methods, including Kanban boards and sprints, and more traditional project management approaches, and consider how they can be applied in library environments.
Learn how to support success across a portfolio of projects using consistent processes.
Learn to apply the basic principles of project management and five essential strategies to help them plan for and deliver more successful projects in libraries.
Learn about strategies for rescuing your outdated or irrelevant strategic plan.
Janet Cobb, Susan Kahan, and Jami Yazdani will answer questions about donor tools and approaches, technology, strategy, and community.
Learn the basics of project management and actionable strategies to help you plan for and successfully deliver a wide variety of projects.
Learn about when and how to consider the sustainability of our project’s outcomes.
Learn about integrating the 5 key elements of projects for mission-driven organizations into one project plan.
Library professionals at all levels can apply key elements of project management to support more effective teams and deliver successful outcomes for their organizations.
Learn about planning for and managing your project’s communications.
Learn project management basics and actionable strategies that can help any organization successfully plan and deliver projects.
Learn about including, engaging, and managing your project’s stakeholders.
Learn how to define your project’s deliverables and use them to guide your planning and tasks.
Learn project management basics and actionable strategies that can help any organization successfully plan and deliver projects.
Learn project management basics and actionable strategies that can help any nonprofit successfully plan and deliver projects.
This workshop will introduce the principles and best practices of project management and share actionable strategies for planning and delivering successful projects. Library professionals at all levels can learn how to communicate with and rally stakeholders, define a scope, schedule, and outcomes to encourage project momentum, and triumph over common project challenges.
Learn the importance of project scope in engaging stakeholders and maintaining focus.
Professionals at all levels can apply project management principles and best practices to improve projects, programs, and collaborations. Learn how to use scope, schedule, and deliverable planning to create a shared purpose, marshal diverse stakeholders, and encourage project momentum.
From Kanban boards to sprints and scrum masters, “agile” project management approaches are increasingly popular and often integrated into project management tools and templates. But how is agile project management different from traditional project management? And should we be implementing agile methods in our library and archival environments?
Learn how to fix common budget mistakes and prepare for the challenges 2022 has in store. From funding requests and justifications to budget development and tracking, you will leave this webinar ready to refine your budget and use it throughout the year.
Do your project plans unravel once a project gets going and your project team starts meeting? Are your project outcomes delayed or dramatically different from your initial plans? Attendees were introduced to the basic principles of project management and offered actionable strategies that can help them plan for and deliver successful projects.
Learn how to align your organization's projects with your strategic priorities. In this free webinar, Jami Yazdani and IYCON CEO Jude Chagas Pereira will offer practical techniques for aligning projects and organizational strategy. From project planning and assessment to project tracking and management, attendees will be introduced to strategies and tools for closing the gap between projects and organizational strategy, and for supporting more agile and impactful planning. Register here to access the session recording.
Learn project management basics and actionable strategies that can help any nonprofit successfully plan and deliver projects. You can start off the year with a valuable certification that will propel your success throughout 2022.
Human resources leaders at all levels can master the principles and best practices of project management, learning actionable strategies to successfully plan and deliver projects throughout 2022.
Learn ways to use retrospectives to strengthen your teams.
Learn about realistic strategies for successfully implementing your strategic goals.
Successfully turn your nonprofit’s strategic goals into actionable objectives and incorporate your strategic priorities into programs and projects before year-end.
Which agile principles are most useful in leading projects, teams, and planning.
In this 3 hour session, library professionals at all levels learned the principles and best practices of project management and how to use proactive planning and intentional communication to improve projects and a wide variety of collaborations.
Attendees learned realistic strategies for going from strategic plan to action plan, including how to successfully implement your library’s strategic goals using shorter-term objectives and to continue to engage your stakeholders and staff, creating a culture of shared accountability, through more transparent communication.
From Kanban boards to sprints and scrum masters, “agile” project management approaches are increasingly popular and often integrated into project management tools and templates. But how is agile project management different from traditional project management? And should we be implementing agile methods in our library and archival environments?
How to use meeting agendas to solve problems and address team challenges.
Learn how to avoid common budget mistakes and prepare for budgeting challenges. From funding requests and justifications to budget development and tracking, you will leave this webinar ready to strategically craft and manage your 2022 budget.
Do your project plans unravel once a project gets going and your project team starts meeting? Are your project outcomes delayed or dramatically different from your initial plans? Attendees were introduced to the basic principles of project management and offered actionable strategies that can help them plan for and deliver successful projects.
Simple strategies for engaging with our community of stakeholders during strategic planning and when managing projects.
Whether leading a team or project, chairing a committee, or trying to keep a meeting on track, project management principles can be used to support trust, inclusion, and vulnerability among team members, and guide diverse groups towards a shared vision of success.
Grant funding is critical to your nonprofit’s programs and success, but managing grant budgets can become complicated and unwieldy. From application to tracking expenses to reporting, learn simple strategies to make managing your grant budgets more efficient and effective.
While writing a strategic plan in an afternoon in our office or at our next board meeting is tempting, it's really not ideal. Strategic planning should be a community effort, not a leadership activity! Learn simple strategies for including donors, board members, staff, partners, and your community in strategic planning.
In this session, participants will be asked to broadly consider how they define teams within their libraries and will be introduced to the factors that make teams successful, strong, effective, and resilient. Participants will learn how to support trust and vulnerability among team members, communicate effectively to reach team consensus, and recognize and celebrate team successes and failures.
Want to foster collaboration and consensus while keeping board members, colleagues, volunteers, and staff focused on a common goal? Nonprofit leaders at all levels can apply project management best practices to projects and other collaborative endeavors to ensure successful outcomes. Whether leading a project or program, chairing a committee, or trying to keep a board meeting on track, project management principles can be used to guide diverse groups and bring the focus back to a shared vision of success.
Financial institution leaders at all levels can use proactive planning and intentional communication to improve their projects, programs, and collaborations in face-to-face and virtual environments. Develop skills to drive teamwork and improve outcomes via an engaging series of four webinars packed with proven techniques that you can implement immediately.
Human resources leaders at all levels can use proactive planning and intentional communication to improve their projects, programs, and collaborations in face-to-face and virtual environments. Master the principles and best practices of project management via an engaging series of four webinars packed with proven techniques that you can implement immediately.
Nonprofit leaders at all levels can use proactive planning and intentional communication to improve their projects, programs, and collaborations in face-to-face and virtual environments. Master the principles and best practices of project management via an engaging series of four webinars packed with proven techniques that you can implement immediately.
By building on a simple 6-step process and exploring their reasons for planning, libraries of all sizes can lead a planning process that fits their needs and environment. With transparency and a focus on implementation, this simple planning approach can even create a culture of shared responsibility for achieving plan goals, support plan flexibility, and result in real change throughout the organization.
Nonprofit leaders at all levels can use proactive planning and intentional communication to improve their projects, programs, and collaborations in face-to-face and virtual environments. Master the principles and best practices of project management via an engaging series of four webinars packed with proven techniques that you can implement immediately.
Whether leading a project, chairing a committee, or trying to keep a board meeting on track, project management principles can guide diverse groups and maintain the focus on a shared vision of success. Nonprofit professionals were offered actionable ideas for improving the effectiveness of collaborative projects and for working better within and across diverse groups.
Nonprofit leaders were introduced to the factors that encourage team trust, purpose, and engagement. Participants learned actionable techniques that support team effectiveness and success.
K-12 education professionals and leaders were introduced to the factors that encourage team inclusion, strength, and resilience, and the basic project management principles that support effectiveness and success.
Higher education professionals learned the importance of personal advocacy for professional goals and were introduced to techniques and actionable strategies for articulating their own value, cultivating a support network, and advocating for their own professional journey.
Live discussion about staying connected to donors and virtually fundraising on the Sipping Tea with Sabrina series.
A series of small group discussions about leading effective teams, projects, and meetings.
A small group discussion of challenges to and strategies for pivoting and maintaining our collaborative projects and initiatives during and after the pandemic.
Participants learned about the importance of personal advocacy for professional goals and were introduced to techniques for articulating their strengths and value, and actionable strategies for advocacy and optimizing their careers.
Leaders at all levels can learn how to apply project management principles and best practices to projects, committees, and other collaborative endeavors to ensure successful outcomes.
Budgets are about more than spending: strategically crafted budgets articulate your priorities. In this short webinar, attendees were introduced to strategic budgeting and our "POP" approach to budget planning, and how to apply zero-based budgeting to justify your funding needs.
Participants learned about the importance of personal advocacy for professional goals and were introduced to techniques for articulating their strengths and value, and actionable strategies for advocacy and optimizing their careers.
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(2018, May). Co-presenter, Low Cost and No Cost Textbook Solutions: Developing a VSCS Open Education Resources Infrastructure. Vermont State Colleges Academic Retreat: Castleton, VT.
(2016, October). Presenter, Library Instruction Assessment through Faculty and Academic Support Collaborations. Vermont Library Association’s College & Special Libraries Fall Conference: Castleton, VT.
(2015, May). Co-presenter, Leading Ladies: The Challenges and Opportunities of Acting Positions. 2015 Virginia Network State Conference: Richmond, VA.
(2015, January). Co-presenter, Connections to Support Teaching and Learning: Building a Bridge with the LTR. 2015 Power Up Your Pedagogy Conference: Annandale, VA.
(2014, April). Co-Presenter, Big Dreams and Learning at Your Fingertips: (Blackboard) Modules for Student Success. 2014 VCCS New Horizons Conference: Roanoke, VA.
(2010, June). Co-Presenter, Who's driving the technology bandwagon - the users or the librarians? 2010 American Library Association Annual Conference: Washington, D.C.
(2008, October). Co-Presenter, Should Librarians Have a Seat at the Table? Faculty Status for Academic Librarians and the Role Librarians Play in Faculty Governance. Faculty Governance in Higher Education Conference: University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA.
(2008, July). Co-Presenter, A Series of Unfortunate Events, or How Not to Build a Digital Image Archive. 2008 Mid-Atlantic Digital Library Conference: Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA.
(2008, May). Co-Presenter, From Boring to Blogging: Transforming LIBS101. 2008 UMW Faculty Technology Academy: Fredericksburg, VA